Strategies for Changing the Behavior of Private Providers

This primer looks at the role that health care provider challenges and motivations—in particular, those of private providers in developing countries—play in their decision-making.

It describes applicable behavior change theories and outlines four factors that influence provider decision-making. It also proposes effective strategies to change provider behavior and includes real world applications of effective, multifaceted approaches used in the developing world.

Program implementers and donors can use this tool to learn about strategies for provider behavior change based on lessons learned and best practices. This primer seeks to support the ongoing learning on provider behavior change and to advance the practice within the international development field. While some of these principles and strategies are derived from research in the United States market, they are applicable to a range of providers—both clinicians and retail providers—and can be used by policymakers, donors, program implementors, and others to design provider behavior change programs in developing countries.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English